2009年11月18日 星期三

The New First Grade:Too Much Too Soon閱讀心得

美國2001年NO Child Left Behind法案立法意旨期舒緩美國學生因為種族、移民或經濟等因素所造成之教育落差,企圖藉由教育品質的提昇,促使每位學生皆能發揮潛能。政策立意良善,惟實施迄今檢討聲浪不斷,究其原因,最主要仍陷在「以標準化成績來評量學生成就」的窠臼。

2009年Time to Kill 'No Child Left Behind 一文中即批評NCLB法案最大的問題即是不切實際的要求,原文如下:

The worst part of the law is its unrealistic demand that all students must be proficient by 2014. No other nation and no state has ever reached this unrealistic goal. Every educator knows that it is impossible. While the goal remains in place, the number of failing schools grows each year. In the past year, nearly 30,000 public schools—35 percent nationwide—were identified as failing. In Massachusetts, which has the highest-scoring students in the United States, nearly half the state’s public schools were rated “in need of improvement.” And an article in Science magazine this past September predicted that nearly 100 percent of all elementary schools in California would be considered failing schools under the law by 2014.


亦如同The New First Grade:Too Much Too Soon一文所探討的,NCLB是不是太多太急了—要孩子在六歲就一再地被測驗,以確保他們有顯著的進步?

回歸問題本質,顯現地正是鐘擺效應。美國長期有感於學生學業成就的大幅下降以及公立學校辦學績效的不彰,爰於1983年提出A Nation at Risk報告,呼籲美國應重視學生基本能力的提昇,NCBL法案的提出精神如出一轍。



註:(一)The New First Grade:Too Much Too Soon閱讀自網站http://www.newsweek.com/id/45571;(二)Time to Kill 'No Child Left Behind閱讀自網站http://blogs.lvc.edu/GS/post/No-Child-Left-Behind-Time-To-Kill.aspx

